On January 15, 2025, the Prime Minister of India participated in the 150th Foundation Day celebrations of the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) in New Delhi. During the event, he launched the Mission Mausam initiative and unveiled the IMD Vision-2047 document. The Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) was also present at the ceremony.
What is the Mission Mausam Initiative?
Overview: Mission Mausam is a government-led initiative aimed at enhancing the capabilities of India's weather department in weather forecasting, modeling, and dissemination.
Budget: The initiative has been allocated Rs 2,000 crore for its first two years.
- Upgrade Weather Forecasting: The mission aims to improve the accuracy of short to medium-range weather forecasts by 5-10%, enhance air quality predictions in major metro cities by up to 10%, and extend predictions to the panchayat level with a lead time of 10-15 days. Currently, the IMD's accuracy for extreme events such as heatwaves is around 98%, while forecasts for heavy rainfall stand at about 80%.
- Invest in Technology: The mission will leverage advanced technologies such as AI, machine learning, and high-performance computing to improve weather models and observational systems, including the installation of additional Doppler radars and satellites.