UPSC CSAT : 2023

Thursday 7 September 2023

Reading Comprehension Exercises with Answers for UPSC in English, | PASSAGE – 5

  Read the following passages and answer the questions given below:

13. Global population was around 1.6 billion in 1990- today it is around 7.2 billion and growing. Recent estimates on population growth predict a global population of 9.6 billion in 2050 and 10. 9 billion in 2100. Unlike Europe and North America, where only three to four percent of the population is engaged in agriculture, around 47 percent of India’s population is dependent upon agriculture. Even if India continues to do well in the service sector and the manufacturing sector picks up, it is expected that around 2030 when India overtakes China as the world’s most populous country, nearly 42 percent of India's population will still be predominantly dependent on agriculture.

Which of the following reflects the most logical inference based on the passage above?

a. Indian economy greatly depends on its agriculture

b. Prosperity of agriculture sector is of critical importance to India

c. India’s farming communities should switch over to other occupations to improve their economic conditions

d. India should take strict measures to control its rapid population growth.

14. All political systems need to mediate the relationship between private wealth and public power. Those that fail risk a dysfunctional government captured by wealthy interests. Corruption is one symptom of such failure with private willingness-to-pay trumping public goals. Private individuals and business firms pay to get routine services and to get to the head of the bureaucratic queue. They pay to limit their taxes, avoid costly regulations, obtain contracts at inflated prices. If corruption is endemic, public officials - both bureaucrats and elected officials- may redesign programmes and propose public projects with few public benefits and many opportunities for private profit. Of course, corruption is only one type of government failure. Efforts to promote good governance must be broader than anti corruption campaigns. Governments may be honest but inefficient because no one has an incentive to work productively, and narrow elites may capture the state and exert excess influence on policy. Bribery may induce the lazy to work hard and permit those not in the inner circle of cronies to obtain benefits. However, even in such cases, corruption cannot be confined to ‘functional’ areas. It will be a reasonable response to a harsh reality but, over time, it can facilitate a spiral into an even worse situation.

Consider the following statements

I. Productivity linked incentives to public/private officials is one of the indicatives of an efficient government.

II. The governments which fail to focus on the relationship between private wealth and public power are likely to biome dysfunctional

Which of the statements given above is/are valid?

a. Only (I)

b. Only (II)

c. Both (I) and (II)

d. Neither (I) nor (II)

15. All actions to address climate change ultimately involve costs. Funding is vital in order for countries like India to design and implement adaptation and mitigation plans and projects. The problem is more severe for developing countries like India, which would be one of the hardest hit by climate change, given its need to finance development. Most countries do indeed treat climate change as a real threat and are striving to address it in a more comprehensive and integrated manner with the limited resources at their disposal.

What implications can be drawn from the passage above?

a. Climate change is a complex issue that requires developing countries to adapt their financial policies

b. Climate change does not affect developed countries

c. Climate change will affect India more than other countries because of its tropical climate

d. Climate change is not taken seriously by most countries

Wednesday 6 September 2023

Reading Comprehension Exercises with Answers for UPSC in English, | PASSAGE – 4

 Read the following passages and answer the questions given below:

 9. Books today have become mere adjuncts to the world of the mass media, offering light entertainment and reassurances that all is for the best in this, the best of all possible worlds. The resulting control on the spread of ideas is stricter than anyone would have thought possible in a free society. The need for public debate and open discussion, inherent in the democratic idea, conflicts with the ever-stricter demand for total profit.

Which of the following implications is correct based on the passage above?

a. The false sense of security provided by conformist literature can be detrimental to free thought

b. Light entertainment can be harmful to the democratic idea of a free society in the long run

c. The most important idea in democracy is dissent

d. Books published earlier used to be more critical of society as opposed to the light entertainment we get today

10. Cause and effect assumes history marches forward, but history is not an army. It is a crab scuttling sideways, a drip of soft water wearing away stone, an earthquake breaking centuries of tension. Sometimes one person inspires a movement, or her words do decades later, sometimes a few passionate people change the world; sometimes they start a mass movement and millions of others; sometimes those millions are stirred by the same outrage or same ideal, and change comes upon us like a change of weather. What all these transformations have in common is that they begin in the imagination, in the hope.

What is the crux of the passage given above?

a. Imagination is the breeding ground for ideas that change the world

b. History is not a linear movement

c. Mass movements can be sparked by a single person

d. History should be approached in a holistic manner instead of a cause and effect manner

11. The concept of sustainability has often been distorted, co-opted, and even trivialised by being used without the ecological context that gives it its proper meaning. What is sustained in a sustainable community is not economic growth, competitive advantage, or any other measure used by economists, but the entire web of life on which our long-term survival depends. The first step toward a sustainable community, naturally, must be to understand how nature sustains life. This involves a new ecological understanding of life, or “ecoliteracy”, as well as a new kind of systemic thinking - thinking in terms of relationships, patterns and context.

What is the most plausible, logical inference drawn from this passage?

a. Ecoliteracy is essential to the understanding of climate change policies

b. Nature and naturalistic living needs to be given more importance over a demand for total profit

c. Separating sustainability from its ecological context has led to the reduction of its importance.

d. Ecological understanding of life is essential for a sustainable future.

12. Education plays a transformatory role in life, particularly so in this rapidly changing and globalising world. Universities are the custodians of the intellectual capital and promoters of culture and specialised knowledge. Culture is an activity of thought, and receptiveness to beauty and human feelings. A merely well informed man is only a bore on God’s earth. What we should aim at is producing men who possess both culture and expert knowledge. Their expert knowledge will give them a firm ground to start from and their culture will lead them as deep as philosophy and as high as art. Together it will impart meaning to human existence.

On the basis of the above passage the following can be said to be true

I. Without acquiring culture, a person’s education is not complete

II. A society of well educated people cannot be transformed into a modern society

III. It is essential that a society has cultured as well as intellectual people.

Which is/are valid?

a. I only

b. II only

c. I and II only

d. I and III only

Tuesday 5 September 2023

Reading Comprehension Exercises with Answers for UPSC in English, | PASSAGE – 3

 Read the following passages and answer the questions given below:

6. Scientists have warned that global warming will keep getting worse until humanity reaches “net zero” emissions globally — that is, the point at which we are no longer pumping any additional greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. So in recent years a growing number of countries and businesses have been pledging to “go net zero” by various dates. But the concept can easily be abused. It’s one example of climate terminology that can be hard to decipher.

What are the most appropriate implications according to the passage given above?

I. The solution to global warming is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

II. The language surrounding climate change leaves room for loopholes that are misused.

III. Businesses and countries pledging environmental goals will help making lasting impact on climate change issues

IV. Climate change policies require cooperation on a global scale.

V. Businesses pledging “go net zero” are contributing to rising temperatures globally.

a. Only (IV)

b. (II), (IV) Only

c. (I),(II),(III),(V) Only

d. (II),(III),(V) Only

7. No superhuman brain is required to avoid the various foolish opinions that many of us hold. A few simple rules will keep you away not from all errors, but from silly errors. If the matter is one which can be settled by observation, make the observation yourself. Aristotle could have avoided the mistake of thinking that women have fewer teeth than men, by the simple method of counting the teeth of Mrs. Aristotle. Thinking that you know, when in fact, you do not know, is a bad mistake to which many of us are prone.

Based on the passage above, which of the following assumptions has been made by the author?

a. Even great people like Aristotle can make a mistake

b. Silly mistakes can be avoided by resorting to thinking.

c. One does not have to be exceptionally clever to avoid making silly mistakes.

d. We are prone to making avoidable mistakes since we do not care to think for ourselves.

8. Those who pay attention to the Olympics tend to view them from one end of a telescope or the other. Most who tune in for the sporting event every couple of years love the suspense. They may know, in the recesses of their minds, that the spectacle disguises a rusty and corrupt system, prone to vote buying in the selection of host cities, appeasement of dictators and unkept promises. To the fans of the Olympics, the positives outweigh the negatives.

Those who analyse the Olympics more broadly see the balance in reverse. They may appreciate the athletic achievements, but not enough to outweigh concerns about damage inflicted by the Olympics.

Which of the following options best reflects the central message of the passage given above?

a. The Olympic games are a testament to the world’s athletic talent

b. Analyses of the Olympic games reveals a lot of corruption in the host cities

c. Despite the athletic marvels showcased in the Olympics, its many drawbacks cannot be ignored

d. The Olympics are a polarising event in today’s society

Monday 4 September 2023

Reading Comprehension Exercises with Answers for UPSC in English, | PASSAGE – 2

 Read the following passages and answer the questions given below:

4. The plunder of Latin America left 70 million indigenous people dead in its wake. In India, 30 million died of famine under British rule. Average living standards in India and China, which had been on par with Britain before the colonial period, collapsed. So too did their share of world GDP, falling from 65 percent to 10 percent, while Europe’s share tripled. And mass poverty became an issue for the first time in history, as European capitalism - driven by the imperatives of growth and profit - prised people off their land and destroyed their capacity for self-sufficient subsistence. Development for some meant underdevelopment of others.

Consider the following statements

A. European capitalism is the root cause of mass poverty

B. Colonialism caused displacement of indigenous population.

C. Europe’s status as a wealthy nation is based on the destruction of third world countries.

Which of these statements can be inferred to be true based on the passage above?

a. A and B only

b. B only

c. A and C only

d. A, B, and C only

5. The world map of inequalities reveals that national average income levels are poor predictors of inequality — among high-income countries, some are very unequal (such as the US), while others are relatively equal (Sweden). "The same is true among low- and middle-income countries, with some exhibiting extreme inequality (Brazil and India), somewhat high levels (China) and moderate to relatively low levels (Malaysia, Uruguay)," stated the World Inequality Report. The report noted that income and wealth inequalities have been on the rise nearly everywhere since the 1980s, following a series of deregulation and liberalisation programmes which took different forms in different countries. "The rise has not been uniform: certain countries have experienced spectacular increases in inequality (including the US, Russia and India) while others (European countries and China) have experienced relatively smaller rises," it said.

The report pointed out that in 2021, after three decades of trade and financial globalisation, global inequalities remain extremely pronounced. "They are about as great today as they were at the peak of Western imperialism in the early 20th century," it said. Lucas Chancel, lead author of the report, said the COVID crisis has exacerbated inequalities between the very wealthy and the rest of the population. "Yet, in rich countries, government intervention prevented a massive rise in poverty, this was not the case in poor countries. This shows the importance of social states in the fight against poverty," he said.

What is the most logical inference that can be drawn from the above passage?

a. The involvement of the state is essential to the alleviation of the poor.

b. The COVID crisis has caused the rich to become richer and poor to become poorer.

c. High income countries are more unequal than low income countries

d. The World Inequality Report states that income levels are not good indicators of inequality.

Sunday 3 September 2023

Reading Comprehension Exercises with Answers for UPSC in English, | PASSAGE – 1

 Read the following passages and answer the questions given below:

1. Though top leaders of the nationalist movement were the policy makers, the immediate day-to-day leadership was provided by the middle-class intellectuals. The rural origin of the industrial labour force together with rampant illiteracy and their simplistic docility attracted social workers, mainly drawn from the middle-class intellectuals. They had an obvious advantage. Not being employees, the leaders were free from fear of victimisation and immune towards the risks of leadership. Being generally well educated, they had a better perspective and sense of organisation. They could see the issue in a broader context. They belonged to a higher social plane than the workers and with good education and intellectual development comparable to the best among the employers they could meet the employers on their own plane and carry on negotiations on an equal footing. According to the Royal Commission on Labour in India, ‘the effect of this surge was enhanced by the political turmoil which added to the prevailing feelings of unrest and assured to provide willing leaders of a trade union movement’. But outside leadership had led to the politicisation of the movement.

What conclusion can be drawn based on the passage given above?

I. The middle class intellectuals were active participants in the Nationalistic movement because the workers did not want to choose a leader among themselves.

II. The integration of middle class intellectuals as political leaders caused the movement to become politicised.

a. Only (I)

b. Only (II)

c. Both (I) and (II)

d. Neither (I) and (II)

2. Inequality is visible, even statistically measurable in many instances, but the economic power that drives it is invisible and not measurable. Like the force of gravity, power is the organising principle of inequality, be it of income, or wealth, gender, race, religion and region. Its effects are seen in a pervasive manner in all spheres, but the ways in which economic power pulls and tilts visible economic variables remain invisibly obscure.

On the basis of the above passage, which of the following best articulates the crux of the passage?

a. Economic power can be analysed more through its effects than by direct empirical methods

b. Inequality of different kinds, income, wealth, etc. reinforces power.

c. The nature of economic power, the driving force behind all kinds of inequality, is obscurity.

d. Economics power is the only reason for the existence of inequality in a society.

3. A majority of the TB infected in India are poor and lack sufficient nutrition, suitable housing and have little understanding of prevention. TB then devastates families, makes the poor poorer, particularly affects women and children, and leads to ostracization and loss of employment. The truth is that even if TB does not kill them, hunger and poverty will. Another truth is that deep-sealed stigma, lack of counselling, expensive treatment and lack of adequate support from providers and family, couples with torturous side-effects demotivate patients to continue treatment- with disastrous health consequences.

On the basis of the passage above, which one of the following assumptions can be made?

a. The circumstances in India makes TB an incurable disease in India.

b. Basic amenities like proper nutrition, housing can alleviate the current TB situation in India.

c. The stigma caused by TB is worse than the disease itself.

d. The poverty stricken people of India are unwilling to seek medical help to cure TB because of the harmful side effects and high cost of treatment.

Saturday 2 September 2023

Useful Phrases and Idioms UPSC 2024 in English

‘The best of both worlds’ – means you can enjoy two different opportunities at the same time.

‘Speak of the devil’ – this means that the person you’re just talking about actually appears at that moment.

‘See eye to eye’ – this means agreeing with someone.

‘Once in a blue moon’ – an event that happens infrequently.

‘When pigs fly’ – something that will never happen.

‘To cost an arm and a leg’– something is very expensive.

‘A piece of cake’– something is very easy.

‘Let the cat out of the bag’ – to accidentally reveal a secret.

‘To feel under the weather’ – to not feel well.

‘To kill two birds with one stone’ – to solve two problems at once.

‘To cut corners’ – to do something badly or cheaply.

‘To add insult to injury’ – to make a situation worse.

Friday 1 September 2023

Vocabulary for UPSC 2024 in English

By now it should be clear to you how important having a strong vocabulary is.

To have even a basic understanding of comprehension passages it is important to first understand the words. However, building up one’s vocabulary requires rigorous practice.

Read, Rinse and Repeat: Reading is an essential, unavoidable step of the process. In order to get familiar with important words that might come up in comprehension passages, making a habit of reading newspapers is helpful. Some good examples include Indian Express, The Times of India and The Hindu. Everytime you come across a new word, it is a good idea to underline or highlight it and relate it to your own life. Make a note of each new word you come across to refer to later.

A Separate Notebook: It is a good idea to have a separate space to write down all the new words that you come across. As you come across more words, it is likely that some might escape your memory. Having them all written down in one place for reference later can be particularly helpful for active recall.

Construct Sentences: Memorising a list of new words will only get you so far. Writing sentences with unfamiliar words you come across makes you actively engage with each word, which each in turn helps retain it in your memory for much longer. It is also extra grammar practice that will help you write better essays in future.

Flashcards: Flashcards help in active recall which has been proven to improve one’s memory.

Word games: Playing word games could be a way to build your vocabulary while relaxing. However, be careful to not use this as an excuse to use your phone to procrastinate.

A List of Important Words

Abdicate: 1. (of a monarch) to renounce one's throne

2. to fail to fulfil a responsibility or duty

Synonyms: resign, retire, step down, disown, turn down

Antonym: Accept.

Abject: extremely unpleasant

Synonyms: wretched, miserable.

Abrade: scrape or wear away by friction or erosion

Synonyms: wear, erode

Antonym: rebuild

Abridged: A piece of writing that has been shortened.

Synonyms: Concise, shortened, condensed.

Antonyms: lengthened, expanded

Abundant: having large quantities

Synonyms: plentiful, ample, copious

Antonyms: scarce, sparse.

Thursday 31 August 2023

Reading Comprehension Exercises with Answers for UPSC 2024 in English | PASSAGE – 9

Inference/Conclusion based questions

These questions ask the aspirant to infer from the information given in the passage or draw a conclusion. The conclusion could be directly given in the passage or it could be that the aspirant needs to draw the inferences themselves. Inferences can usually be drawn from anywhere within the passage while conclusions will focus on the last few lines. The words to look out for are “concluding remarks”, “infer”, “inference”.

Example Passage

Our cities are extremely vulnerable to climate change because of large concentrations of populations and poor infrastructure. Moreover, population densities are increasing in them but we have not yet developed the systems to address climate change impacts. Our cities contribute to 65 percent of the GDP, but there are not enough facilities to address the issues of air quality, transport, etc., that are vital to identifying sustainable solutions. We need to involve citizens in city planning and create an ecosystem that meets the needs of the people.

Which of the following is the most logical and rational inference that can be made from the passage given above?

a. Our cities need to have well-defined administrative set-up with sufficient autonomy.

b. Ever increasing population densities is a hindrance in our efforts to achieve sustainable development.

c. To maintain and develop our cities we need to adopt sustainability related interventions.

d. Public-private Partnership mode of development is the viable long-term solution for the infrastructure and sustainability problems in India.

Answer and Explanation

Wednesday 30 August 2023

Reading Comprehension Exercises with Answers for UPSC 2024 in English | PASSAGE – 8

Implicit Information

This is the direct opposite of explicit information in that the answers to these types of questions are not given directly within the passage. They need to be deduced from the passage after a close reading. They test the aspirant’s reasoning ability along with their comprehension skills. The implied idea will not be found by merely evaluating the options. The key words to look out for are “implied” or “implications”. While reading the passage, the aspirant should think about the consequences of the passage, what the passage is saying and also what the passage is not saying.

Example Passage - 8

In the immediate future, we will see the increasing commodification of many new technologies– artificial intelligence and robotics, 3D manufacturing, custom made biological and pharmaceutical products, lethal autonomous weapons and driverless cars. The moral question of how a driverless car will decide between hitting a jaywalker and swerving and damaging the car has often been debated, the answer is both simple- save the human life - and complex. At which angle should the ar swerve- just enough to save the jaywalker or more than enough? If the driverless car is in Dublin, who would take the decision? The Irish Government, or the car’s original code writer in California, or a software programmer in Hyderabad to whom maintenance is outsourced? If different national jurisdictions have different fine print on prioritising a human life, how will it affect insurance and investment decisions, including transactional ones?

Which of the following statements best reflect the rational, plausible and practical implications that can be derived from the passage given above?

1. Too much globalisation is not in the best interest of any country.

2. Modern technologies are increasingly blurring the economic borders.

3. Innovation and capital have impinged on the domain of the State.

4. Public policy of every country should focus on developing its own supply chains.

5. Geopolitics will have to reconcile to many ambiguities and uncertainties.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

a. 1, 4 and 5 only

b. 1,2,3 and 5 only

c. 2,3 and 5 only

d. 1,2,3,4 and 5

Answer and Explanation

Tuesday 29 August 2023

Reading Comprehension Exercises with Answers for UPSC 2024 in English | PASSAGE – 7

 Example for Explicit Information

These are direct questions and perhaps the easiest to solve because of their direct nature. The answers are fact based and are found within the passage itself. For these questions the details need to be focused on. It is also important to read the question properly as many times they are negative. The question may ask what the passage is NOT saying. Either way, for these questions the second reading of the passage needs to be detail oriented. The questions are direct or may ask which of the given options are true.

Example Passage - 7

The sugar maple is a hard maple tree. It can grow as tall as 100 feet and as wide as 4 feet. The sugar maple is commercially valued for its sap, which is used in making maple syrup. Two northeastern states, Vermont and New York, rank as major producers of maple syrup. In Canada, Quebec’s annual syrup production surpasses 2.5 million gallons. To make pure maple syrup, holes are made in the trunk of the tree at the end of winter or in early spring. The water-like sap seeps through the holes and runs through a plastic spout that is put into the hole. Afterwards, the collected sap is transferred into tubes that are hooked up to a tank kept in the sugar house. 

Then, the sap goes through the boiling process. Boiling enhances flavour and adds colour to the sap. Once the sugar content of the sap is about 65%–66%, the sap is ready to be strained and marketed. Maple syrup found in supermarkets, however, is usually not pure and has other additives. The colour of pure maple may range from golden honey to light brown. Between 35 to 50 gallons of sap is needed to produce 1 gallon of maple syrup. Also, popular for the strength and finish of its wood, the sugar maple tree has been put to use in furniture, interior woodwork, flooring, and crates.

According to the passage, which of the following periods is ideal for sapping?

(a) End of winter or in early spring

(b) Beginning of winter or in early spring

(c) End of winter or late spring

(d) Throughout the year

Answer and Explanation:

Monday 28 August 2023

Reading Comprehension Exercises with Answers for UPSC 2024 in English | PASSAGE – 6

 1. Assumptions of the author

The questions are based on the author’s opinions and thoughts while writing the passage. The answer in this case is not directly in the passage and requires critical thinking on the part of the student. It is important to note that it is the author’s opinion that is being asked and aspirants need to remove their thoughts and opinions and focus solely on the author. It is important to note the writing style while trying to solve these questions; how the author is describing things, whether he is making a statement or posing questions. The key words to look out for in these types of questions are “assumed”, “assumptions made”, “According to the passage/author”.

Example Passage:

A central message of modern development economics is the importance of income growth, which means growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP).  In theory, rising GDP creates unemployment and investment opportunities. As incomes grow in a country where the level of GDP was once low, households, communities, and governments are increasingly able to set aside some funds for the production of things that make for a good life. Today GDP has assumed such a significant place in the development lexicon, that if someone mentions “economic growth”, we know they mean growth in GDP.

With reference to the above passage, the following assumptions have been made:

1. Rising GDP is essential for a country to be developed country

2. Rising GDP guarantees a reasonable distribution of income to all households.

Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?

a. 1 only

b. 2 only

c. Both 1 and 2

d. Neither 1 nor 2

Answer and Explanation:

Sunday 27 August 2023

CSAT Reading Comprehension UPSC 2024 in English

 Types of Questions

1. Assumptions of the author

2. Explicit Information

3. Implicit Information

4. Inference/Conclusion based questions 

Vocabulary :  A List of Important Words 

Useful Phrases and Idioms: Practice Questions


In reading comprehension, it is one’s capacity to understand and reasoning ability that is being assessed. The skills to hone are one’s ability to grasp the main ideas from a passage, linking the various ideas in a given passage and being able to infer and draw conclusions. For this one requires an extensive vocabulary and advanced reading skills. Since there is no syllabus to fall back on, aspirants have to rely on their skills to be able to tackle passages they have never seen.

There needs to be a focus on grammar, at least in the initial stages of preparation as it is the first step to understanding any language. A strong grammatical basis provides a foundation to build advanced skills on. Once the candidates have a strong hold on their grammar, the focus should shift to reading comprehension. For this the more one reads, the more their confidence will increase.

One thing aspirant must remember even before reading a passage is recognizing the difference between an author’s opinion and their own thoughts about a subject. Unless the passage asks for it, it is the author’s opinion the aspirants must stick to. What is being assessed here is the ability to comprehend and assimilate information presented in front of the reader. This might take some practice as students are often hardwired to stick to their preconceived thoughts. Since too much time cannot be spent on a single passage to differentiate between author’s opinion and student’s thoughts, the passages should be approached in a blank manner, only taking in what the passage is giving.

Steps to Approach a Passage:

Saturday 26 August 2023

Reading Comprehension Exercises with Answers for UPSC 2024 in English | PASSAGE – 4


Law is found in all modern societies, and is usually regarded as the bedrock of civilized existence. But what distinguishes law from other social rules, and in what sense does law operate at an international or even global level? Is there such a thing as 'international law'? In the case of domestic law, it is relatively easy to identify a series of distinguishing characteristics. First, law is made by the government and so applies throughout society. Not only does this mean that law reflects the will of the state and therefore takes precedence over all other norms and social rules, but it also gives domestic law universal jurisdiction within a particular political society. Second, law is compulsory; citizens are not allowed to choose which laws to obey and which to ignore, because law is backed up by a system of coercion and punishment. 

Law thus requires the existence of a legal system, a set of norms and institutions through which legal rules are created, interpreted and enforced. Third, law has a 'public' quality in that it consists of codified, published and recognized rules. This is, in part, achieved by enacting law through a formal, and usually public, legislative process. Moreover, punishments handed down for law-breaking are predictable and can be anticipated, whereas arbitrary arrest or imprisonment has a random and dictatorial character.

Fourth, law is usually recognized as binding on those to whom it applies, even if particular laws may be regarded as unjust or unfair. Law is therefore more than simply a set of enforceable commands; it also embodies moral claims, implying that legal rules should be obeyed.

11. With reference to the passage, how law can be distinguished from social rules?

(a) Laws of one country apply to every citizen whereas social rules vary from one society to another.

(b) Laws are enforceable upon the society whereas social rules are not enforceable.

(c) Laws are acceptable to the political society whereas social rules are not.

(d) Laws work according to the proper legal system whereas social rules do not require any system.

12. If a law is proposed by the state, then which of the following condition is necessary to make that law attain legitimacy?

1. Assent of public

2. Legal standing

3. Universal jurisdiction

4. Just character

Answers :

11. Since, Law is made by the government thus it applies throughout the society. Passage is no where mentioning that social rules do not require any system. Thus, (d) is incorrect. Similarly, No where from the passage we can infer that social rules are not acceptable to the political society or they are not enforceable. Hence, (a) is the correct option. 

12. According to passage, Law in any society can have legitimacy if it is made by the government, if it is made compulsory, it should have a codified and recognized rules, it should have a binding character that may be just or unjust. Thus, except 2, all are incorrect. Hence, (d) is the correct option. 

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Friday 25 August 2023

Reading Comprehension Exercises with Answers for UPSC 2024 in English | PASSAGE – 3


Theoretically, though, the Judiciary is expected to adjudicate or evaluate the policies promulgated by the Legislative or Executive wing of the government, it, equally importantly, checks excesses committed by the other two branches and enforces the rights of the people in case of default or distortion by the Legislature and Executive in the discharge of duties, using the power of judicial review. The Judiciary is looked upon today, perhaps more than ever before, for removal of the maladies in public life. One reason may be the general disenchantment of people for the other limbs of government. While the Legislature and Executive in a parliamentary form of government are exposed to the pulls and pressures of the electoral forces, the judiciary well performs the entrusted task of holding the scales of justice even and aloft.

The transition from the colonial administration to the administration of a welfare state has generated onerous responsibilities for the Administration for securing and promoting the legitimate interests of the people. Today, the government has to undertake multifarious political, social and economic activities in discharge of its constitutional responsibilities and in the process exercise of a large measure of discretionary powers becomes inevitable. The increase of administrative power is fraught with the danger of its abuse. 

Failure to use, as well as abuse, of its powers by the Administration is sure to disturb the heartbeat of social aspiration, thereby, necessitating appropriate correctional therapy. The judiciary operates as a mechanism of this correction and judicial activism serves as potent pacemaker to correct, as far as possible, malfunctioning in violation of the constitutional mandates and to stimulate the State organs to function in the right direction. Balanced judicial activism is, therefore, indispensable for imparting the needed vitality to the rule of law in a welfare state.

7. Today, why judiciary is expected to play other vital roles apart from providing justice?

(a) Legislature and Executive cannot alone discharge their constitutional duties.

(b) There is always a possibility of abuse of power by legislature and Executive.

(c) Pressure applied by the electoral forces alone cannot check the excesses committed by the Legislature and Executive.

(d) Administration of a welfare state involves a lot of duties to be performed and it cannot be done by Legislature and Executive only.

8. Which of the following is correct regarding Judicial Activism?

1. It acts as a pacemaker.

2. It is imperative to ensure the rule of a law.

3. It acts as a corrective measure against abuse of power by the state Machinery.

4. It acts against Executive and Legislature.

 Select the correct option from the codes given below:

(a) 2 and 3 only

(b) 2, 3 and 4 only

(c) 1 and 4 only

(d) All 1, 2, 3 and 4

9. According to the passage, what are the challenges for administration of a welfare state?

(a) Political, Social and Economic activities.

(b) Increase in demand for the rights of the people.

(c) Balance between usage of administrative power and fulfilling the social demands of the people.

(d) To synchronize the discretionary powers of Legislature, Executive and the Judiciary.

10. According to the passage, which of the following can act as an example of Judiciary removing the maladies in public life?

1. A State institution ordered by Judiciary to properly carry out the development programme.

2. Judiciary taking a suo-motu action to ensure the constitutional rights of certain section of people.

 Select the correct option from the codes given below:

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2.

(d) Neither 1 nor 2


Thursday 24 August 2023

Reading Comprehension Exercises with Answers for UPSC 2024 in English | PASSAGE – 2


The new path the Constitution set for itself sought to reject the colonial conception of a divided India and replace it with a new vision for social reconstruction based on the removal of disabilities accruing from caste society. Social reconstruction on the basis of caste disability would necessarily entail the privileging and perhaps even entrenching caste identity in fashioning the new constitutional problem. 

Constitution’s emphasis on social disability which is an undeniable necessity in a country like India. On the contrary it is the manner in which caste and identity has been incorporated into the constitutional framework of independent India that is the major concern. It is argued that the Constitution’s treatment of the Indian social problem suffers from exactly the same kind of problem which the nationalists used to attack the colonial conception of a divided India. That is, in establishing the minority problem the colonial state represented India in a manner that did not resonate with Indian social experience. To say that the constitutional resolution of the problem of caste disability was unable to capture the Indian social problem must be distinguished from the project of affirmative action even if carried on the basis of caste. Affirmative action projects designed for disadvantaged castes might be an entirely defensible form of addressing the problem of compensating inter-generational discrimination and social backwardness.

However, just like the nationalists attacked the colonial state of literally conjuring up a problem to rule by division, the resolution of backwardness in the constitution must also be able to stand up to the charge that it has formulated the problem of caste society in a manner that resonates with the problem of caste as it is socially experienced.

3. In the passage, why the author is putting certain doubts on social reconstruction ability of independent India’s constitution?

1. Long existed caste identity in Indian Society may further be more prevalent as constitution tries to address the caste disability in India.

2. Social reconstruction by India’s constitution, like colonial conception can divide India. 

3. Social reconstruction by India’s constitution, like colonial conception can only address social problems of few sections of the society.

 Select the correct option from the codes given below:

(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 3 only

(c) 2 and 3 only (d) All 1, 2 and 3

4. In the above question, doubts raised by the author on social reconstruction ability of Indian constitution can be removed, if–

(a) Social reconstruction should not be on the basis of caste disability.

(b) Affirmative action is not carried on the basis of caste.

(c) Proper mechanism is formulated to include those caste and identity in constitution that deserve to get rid of social disability.

(d) Constitution replace or reject the colonial conception of a divided India.

5. Which of the following can be said to be true about colonial conception of a divided India?

1. Colonial idea to solve the problem of minorities was against India’s social identity.

2. Colonial regime created a wrong perception of addressing minorities problem in order to rule by division.

 Select the correct option from the codes given below:

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2.

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

6. According to the passage, how can constitution solve the Indian social problem of caste disability?

(a) If project of affirmative action is carried on the basis of caste.

(b) If social reconstruction values are firmly inculcate in the constitution.

(c) If caste identity is neglected by the constitution.

(d) If constitution solves the caste society problem as per Indian social experience.


Wednesday 23 August 2023

Reading Comprehension Exercises with Answers for UPSC 2024 in English | PASSAGE – 1

Instructions: Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow.


An early debate in the empirical study of political democracy concerned the measurement of democracy. Initial work employed dichotomous indicators and incorporated stability into political democracy measures.

Evidence accumulated showing that this approach could adversely affect analyses, particularly in the study of income inequality. At an intuitive level, it is appealing to divide the world into democracies and non democracies. And the idea that the persistence of democratic institutions should be included in any measure appears attractive. But the procedures have shortcomings. Dichotomizing democracy lumps together countries with very different degrees of democracy and blurs distinctions between borderline cases. 

For example, are democratic practices entirely absent from Mexican politics? Does the return of elections to Argentina mean that it is a full-fledged democracy? Does the suppression of the Tamil separatist movement in Sri Lanka assign that country to the nondemocratic rank? The difficulty in answering these questions reflects the inherently continuous nature of the concept of political democracy. Further, labeling some countries as democratic invites insensitivity to persisting political inequalities in even these states, because it implies that they are fully democratic, democracy is specified in advance as an all-or-nothing matter.

The other pivotal measurement issue centers on the fusion of stability and democracy. This fusion in empirical measures makes it impossible to interpret observed associations of "democratic stability" with other variables, because it is never clear whether degree of stability or degree of democracy is the operative factor at work. For example, countries that developed earlier are more democratic than late developers, net of their level of industrialization. This hypothesis is supported if one uses stable democracy index as the measure of democracy, but not if one uses a measure that excludes the stability component.

1. According to the passage, why there are certain limitations to dichotomize democracy?

1. Since, political democracy is a dynamic process.

2. Since, political democracy is an insensitive process.

3. Since, notion of political democracy varies from one country to another.

 Select the correct option from the codes given below:

(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 1 and 3 only (d) All 1, 2 and 3

2. Which of the following is correct regarding fusion of stability and democracy?

(a) There can be multiple democracy index as the measure of democracy.

(b) Industrialized nations are ought to be more democratic and thus more stable.

(c) Developed countries possess greater stability factors.

(d) Synchronizing democracy and stability is a vague process.


Thursday 27 July 2023

CSAT 2024 Strategy | UPSC CSAT Strategy | can I clear CSAT 2024 in first attempt?

How can I clear CSAT in first attempt?

Attempt last year's CSAT paper and check your score. This will give you an idea of where you stand vis-a-vis the CSAT paper.

If you score high then keep CSAT on the back burner for now and focus on GS. You can start your CSAT preparation two months before the exam.

Since CSAT is of qualifying nature we are going to set its strategy separate from Paper I GS. 

First, it must be noted that CSAT will consume considerably lesser amount of time as compared to the GS paper. Since you have to score only 33% to pass the paper there is absolutely no need for you to sacrifice much of your valuable time preparing for it. Keeping these aspects in mind we have devised the following strategy to help you clear the CSAT paper with relative ease. This strategy is very practical and as such it is important that you follow it diligently.

How many questions one should attempt in CSAT?

Candidates must score 33% to qualify for CSAT or Prelims General Studies Paper 2 (66 out of 200 marks). You must attempt around 27 questions correctly in CSAT, i.e., 27*2.5 (for each correct answer) = To get 67.5 marks out of 200.

Step 1: Think CSAT more important

There are candidates who have actually failed to pass this paper. As a result, despite scoring high in GS these candidates didn’t qualify for the Mains examination. So, take it seriously - you must clear this paper at all costs.

How to prepare CSAT by self study?

  • Tips to Prepare for UPSC Paper 2 (CSAT)
  • Take UPSC CSAT very seriously.
  • Analyze yourself before starting the preparation.
  • Get a comprehensive UPSC CSAT manual.
  • Practice Online Mock Test Series.
  • Best Strategy to Prepare UPSC CSAT.
  • Tips to prepare for English Comprehension.
  • General Mental Ability
  • Logical Reasoning

Step 2: Assessment yourself before you begin preparation

Attempt last year’s CSAT paper and check your score. This will give you an idea of where you stand vis-a-vis the CSAT paper.

If you score high then keep CSAT on the back burner for now and focus on GS. You can start your CSAT preparation two months before the exam.

Step 3: Get a comprehensive CSAT manual like the one published by Tata McGraw Hill.

A manual such as this will provide you with a one-stop solution for your preparation, the importance of which cannot be overemphasized.

You do not need to learn everything in the book cover-to-cover. The book is divided into parts and you should pick and choose topics as per your requirement.

Keep every Sunday for CSAT practice and solve some questions from the numerous mock question papers found in the book.

How can I score good marks in CSAT?

Devote time for GS Paper 2 (CSAT) so that you ensure 33% marks in the paper. Build your Paper 2 skills – particularly on fast reading and comprehension. Concentrate on Reasoning section and practice CSAT papers on a daily basis in order to clear the first stage of the exam cycle.

Candidates who are struggling with the CSAT paper should practice at least 1 hour daily. This can be reduced to weekly 3-4 hours or 1 mock paper per week depending on your requirement.

If you consider yourself extremely weak in CSAT you must take a Test Series with any reputed coaching institute. In any case, taking up a test series helps as it not only keeps

you on your toes, it also keeps you familiar with the CSAT pattern and topics.

Lastly, in qualifying papers like CSAT you should try to maximize your strengths rather than your weaknesses. The overall aim should be to get basic familiarity with any area you are not comfortable with so that you do not miss out on easy questions.

There is no point in spending excessive time for a paper that is only qualifying in nature so keep in mind the amount of time you are going to devote to CSAT.

In these 3 steps you have seen that you should take the CSAT paper seriously - but not that seriously. CSAT preparation must not affect GS preparation at any cost. Remember that being familiar with the CSAT topics, regular evaluation (coaching test series or self-evaluation) and focusing on your strengths will get you there. Yet, do not let over-confidence or ignorance stop you from preparing for this paper. You must clear the CSAT at all costs!

How can I prepare for CSAT without coaching?

You can start off with solving sectional tests. Mock tests will improve your confidence level and help you keep a track of your preparation. After attempting mock tests, check your answers and try to understand why you made careless mistakes. Analysis of the exam paper is very important.

To conclude this strategy let us remind ourselves of some very basic things. Things like revision, steadiness, relaxation and motivation. In CSE preparation revision is extremely important - the more you revise the better you remember. Therefore we advise you to revise at least weekly if not daily. Without revision the battle is halffought. Remaining steady and well disciplined is also necessary as you cannot cover all topics at once. So, go bit by bit, step by step, remain focused and disciplined. Relax as much as you can. Do not over stretch yourself. If you cannot finish a topic in one day, do it the next day. Sometimes, it is more important that you revise your half-finished topics than to finish them without proper understanding. Finally, motivate yourself, tell yourself that you can do it. You must remain motivated throughout the CSE year - from Prelims, to Mains to Interview. Never let that motivation decrease because without it your daily studies will become monotonous and you will never be able to enjoy the process of preparing for the CSE. Finally, it is said that ‘fear of the unknown is most debilitating’, which is true as you cannot know how the Prelims papers will be set. So, have faith, follow this strategy which many have followed before you with success. Fight that fear with faith and begin your preparation as soon as you finish reading this.

Tags: csat strategy by upsc toppers,csat preparation material pdf,csat syllabus,how to prepare for csat without coaching,csat manual by tata mcgraw hill,upsc csat tricks pdf,csat strategy for upsc quora,csat preparation online free,

Thursday 6 July 2023

How to prepare CSAT Paper II for UPSC CSE 2024? | UPSC CSAT Paper II 2024


UPSC CSAT Paper II 2024

Civil Services Aptitude Test or CSAT consists of comprehension; interpersonal skills including communication skills; logical reasoning and analytical ability; decision making and problem solving; general mental ability; basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude, etc.) and data interpretation.

As UPSC has raised the difficulty levels for all these areas, it is important to be prepared for the qualifying paper. Putting some of the following factors into consideration can help improve an aspirant’s preparation strategy for CSAT.

Why should one prepare the CSAT paper for UPSC CSE 2024 Prelims?

By preparing the CSAT paper, aspirants can avoid jeopardizing their precious attempt because of a qualifying paper. A preparation based on a study plan will help aspirants face the unpredictability of the UPSC CSE 2024 Prelims.

How do I prepare GATE 2024 Exam? | How to get good rank in GATE 2024? | GATE 2024-2025

Complete each topic and then practice previous question papers for the last 20 years after preparing the topic.

How to get good rank in GATE 2024?

Smart Tips to Get Top Rank in GATE Exam.

The students must understand the examination well by knowing the exam pattern and syllabus. 

Make Proper Practice and Hard Work. 

Solve Previous Year Papers.

Follow Standard Books and Notes.

Stay Relaxed and Stress free.

There are two categories of GATE Aspirants : 

(1) Freshers , preparing first time for the competitive exams (New Aspirants)   

(2) Repeaters , who have already given one  or more attempts (Rank Improvers).

(I) Strategy for New Aspirants :

If you are a fresher and preparing first time then I would suggest you the following approach to be adopted.

Define your aim and target the desired exam right from the beginning. You should examine closely the examination pattern, syllabus and the level of difficulty.

The first step for amateurs should be, to go through previous years’ question papers of the aimed exam and identify what type of questions are asked, like whether it is theoretical (then what subjects/which topics are mostly asked) or derivations or numerical type.

Keep one best reference book for each subject. You are not advised to read too many books for each subject; practically it is not possible in limited time frame.