Reading Comprehension: Part 9
One of the unfortunate
paradoxes of our lives today is that despite adequate food production and
unimaginable advances in technology, one in three persons worldwide is not
getting enough of the right food to eat and approximately 800 million of seven
billion sleep hungry every night.
Not surprisingly, this makes poor diet the No. 1
risk factor by far, for the global burden of disease. Poor diets globally are
more responsible for ill health as compared with the combined effect of drugs,
tobacco and alcohol. Women and children continue to be the most vulnerable,
with 156 million stunted children in the world and 40% women anaemic. Add to
this the fact that the world adds 200,000 new people to its population every
day, of which India adds 58,000. This translates to the need to feed two
billion more people by 2050 and to support a higher demand for major crops,
estimated to increase by 50%, from 2.5 to 3.5 billion tonnes.
Staying on target It is therefore with compelling reason that Target 3 for the
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12 is to “halve per capita global food waste
at the retail and consumer level, and reduce food losses along production and
supply chains including post-harvest losses”. Food loss is valued at $1
trillion globally by the Food and Agriculture Organisation, enough to feed the
800 million who sleep hungry every night. Of this, over 200 million are in
India, a country that grows sufficient food to feed its burgeoning population
of 1.3 billion.
The SDGs have clearly put the spotlight on food
loss and waste, and we are beginning to see more attentive discussion on the
subject. At the recently held Food Congress in Dusseldorf in early May 2017,
the focus was on identifying possible solutions for both — through better
farming practices, use of technology, better information, change in consumer
behaviour, etc. Estimates of “food waste and food loss” range between 30 and
50% for both developed and emerging countries.
In developed countries “food waste” happens more
at the consumer household level, where more is purchased than consumed; and in
emerging economies, it is the supply chain that leads to “food loss” during
harvest, storage or in transit, largely due to poor infrastructure and
inadequately aligned processes. As an example, India’s cold storage requirement
is 66 million tonnes, and the national storage capacity currently available is
approximately 30 million tonnes. Investment in creating adequate cold storage
capacity alone will stem food loss substantially. With increasing wealth, India
is, ironically, home to both food waste and food loss.
In either scenario, food that is produced (using
depleting and critical resources such as water) but not consumed is a colossal
waste which we cannot afford to ignore. Food loss is also nutrition loss,
productivity loss and therefore GDP loss. The 40% food loss in India translates
to approximately $7.5 billion, and for a country where agriculture contributes
15% to GDP and employs 53% of the workforce, this is clearly unaffordable.
These are serious statistics, and unless there is
an effort to address food loss factors systemically, the state of health and
nutrition of our people will continue to be inadequate, as food loss means loss
of macronutrients such as calories, fats, proteins; but even more alarming, it
means loss of micronutrients because foods that are rich in micronutrients are
also perishable — fruits, vegetables, poultry, fish, dairy, etc. Additionally,
with urbanisation and rising incomes, the length of the food value chain also
increases, as what people eat becomes less and less connected to where they
The Global Nutrition Report 2016 has highlighted
India’s overall tardy progress in addressing chronic undernutrition, manifest
in stunting (low weight for age), wasting (low weight for height) and
micronutrient deficiency or “hidden hunger”.
With 17% of the world’s population, India remains
home to a quarter of the world’s undernourished people, a third of the world’s
underweight children and a quarter of the world’s hungry. This demographic
cannot possibly result in a productive and efficient workforce, or be converted
into any meaningful economic dividend. The World Happiness Report 2017, which
looks at quality of people’s life beyond GDP and per capita income and includes
economic variables, social factors and health indicators, has ranked India at
122 of 155 countries. India’s decline in 2014-16, compared with 2005-07, is on
account of poor and slow progress on social factors and health indicators.
Agriculture has to be one of the drivers of
India’s growth, and even though we are the world’s third largest producer of
food, our agriculture growth has fallen well below the targeted 4% over the
last 15 years. According to the International Food Policy Research Institute,
India needs to at least double its investment in agricultural research to
double farmers’ incomes by 2022. This will not happen only with a focus on rice
and wheat — more diversity is needed, with the addition of vegetables, fruits
and dairy farming.
Harnessing technology to increase agricultural
productivity, where we lag both our potential and competitive benchmarks will
be critical to our overall well-being. As an example, since the 1960s India’s
groundwater irrigation has increased dramatically, and since the 1980s
groundwater levels have been dropping, thus stressing the system. Groundwater
recharge therefore becomes a critical variable to augment agricultural
productivity. Further, imports of agricultural commodities have increased from
4% of GDP in 2008-09 to 5.5% of GDP in 2013-14, according to the Economic
Survey. Edible oil imports alone in the last year cost us Rs. 65,000 crore ($10
billion). This need not be the case in future.
Dignified quality of life
To provide even a baseline and dignified quality
of life to its people, India has to address enhancing agricultural
productivity, crop diversification and eliminating food loss and waste with a
firm resolve, backed with the right and timely action. The last must be done on
priority as it deals with food already available. So the key question is, how
do we minimise food loss given that the government wants this, businesses want
this, and people want this?
There is clearly a structural and behavioural
component to this, and the door is open for investment in food system
infrastructure: storage, transportation, processing, etc; investment in
information systems that help identify loss by crop and region so solutions can
be specifically tailored to the problem; use of technology to better connect
supply and demand; public-private partnerships with companies to reduce
spoilage and loss; creation of food banking networks that work with civil
society and development agencies on getting food already available to those
that need it. Among the several priorities we have, minimising food loss has
the potential to be transformative in multiple ways
(1). Target 3 for the Sustainable
Development Goal (SDG) 12 is about
(a) Food wastage
(b) Education
(c) Poverty
(d) Terrorism
(2). According to the passage, What percentage of the women is anaemic in the
(a) 40 %
(b) 60 %
(c) 30 %
(d) 50 %
(3). Consider the following statements regarding the recently held Food
1. It was held in Mumbai
2. It is an Indian Initiative to the world.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) Both are correct
(b) 2 only
(c) Neither 1 nor 2
(d) 1 only
(4). According to the passage, what is the reason behind the 'food loss'
problem in emerging economies?
(a) Supply chain problems
(b) Storage problems
(c) Poor infrastructure
(d) All of the above
(5). Which of the following statements given below is/are correct in context of
food loss and agriculture sector in India?
1. The 40% food loss in India translates to
approximately $7.5 billion
2. Agriculture contribution in India's GDP is 15%
Select the correct answer using the code given
(a) 1 only
(b) Both are correct
(c) 2 only
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
(6). What is 'Hidden Hunger'?
(a) Micronutrient deficiency
(b) Chronic Undernutrition
(c) Stunting
(d) Wasting
(7). What is India's rank in the World Happiness Report 2017?
(a) 92
(b) 112
(c) 132
(d) 122
(8).). Choose the word which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning of the word printed in
bold as used in the passage
(a) Dichotomy
(b) Incongruity
(c) Contradiction
(d) All of the above
(9). Choose the word which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning of the word printed in
bold as used in the passage
(a) Crawling
(b) Creeping
(c) Dawdling
(d) Bolting
(10). Choose the word which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning of the word printed in
bold as used in the passage
(a) Advance
(b) Straggle
(c) Trail
(d) Linger
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