UPSC CSAT : Reading comprehension Home Exercise – 07, PASSAGE B

Friday 13 March 2015

Reading comprehension Home Exercise – 07, PASSAGE B

                  12.  It can also be inferred that Zeus did not fear a child sired by King Peleus because

A.      He knew that the child could not climb Mt. Olympus.
B.      He knew that the child would be killed in the Trojan War.
C.      He knew that no matter how strong a mortal child was, he couldn’t overthrow an immortal god.
D.      He knew that Thetis would always love him above everyone else.

                    13.     According to the passage, Achiles

A.      Defeated Zeus during the Trojan War.
B.      Dies during the Trojan War.
C.      Was born 20 years after the war because of the disruption Eris caused at the wedding
D.      Was the illegitimate son of Peleus?

14. Which of the following statements is the message offered in the myth?

A.       Do not consider a mixed marriage.
B.      Do not anger the gods.
C.      Do not ignore the problems that arise in life.
D.      Do not take myths seriously.


    12.    D this is stated in the third sentence of paragraph 2.Zeus did not want to sire (father] a child who could eventually overthrow him. According to the passage, he felt it was safer to arrange for the child’s father to be a mortal. There is no support in the passage for any of the other choices.
                               13.    C     This answers the logic of the previous answer. A mortal child could never challenge the gods implies that Zeus feared that if the child were immortal, it would overthrow him. The other choices mention individual words that appear in the passage but have no support.

                               14.     B    The second to the last line in paragraph 2 tells us that Achiles was the son of Thetis and Peleus, and that the war will result in his death. Choice a is incorrect because there is no other mention of Zeus or vents in the Trojan War other than Achilles’ Death. Choice c is incorrect because Eris purposely created the conditions that would lead to the war to kill the child of the bride and groom.  Choice d is incorrect because Achilles is the son of Thetis and Peleus, the bride and groom of the myth.

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