Arteries of the heart blocked by plaque can reduce the flow of blood to the heart possibly resulting in heart attack or death. Plaque is actually fat and cholesterol that accumulates on the inside of the arteries. The arteries of the heart are small and can be blocked by such accumulations. There is a medical procedure that creates more space in the blocked artery by inserting and inflating a tiny balloon into the blood vessel. It is called coronary balloon angioplasty. Angioplasty means “blood vessel repair. “When the balloon is inflated, it compresses the plaque against the wall of the artery, creating more space and improving the flow of blood.
Many doctors choose this technique, because it is less
invasive than bypass surgery. Yes, both involve entering the body cavity, but
in bypass surgery, the chest must be opened, the ribs must be cut, and the section
of diseased artery must be removed and replaced. To replace it, the patient’s
body is opened, once again, to acquire a healthy section of artery. Usually,
this blood vessel is removed from an artery located in the calf of the leg.
This means the patient now has two painful incisions hat must heal at the same
time. There is far more risk in such bypass surgery than in angioplasty, which
involves threading a thin tube, called a catheter, into the circulatory system
and working it to the damaged artery.
Angioplasty may take between 30 minutes to 3 hours to
complete. It begins with a distinctive dye that is injected into the
bloodstream. A thin catheter is then inserted into the femoral artery of the
leg, near the groin. The doctor monitors the path of the dye using x-rays. He
moves the tube through the heart and into plaque –filled artery. He inflates
the balloon. Creating more space, deflates the balloon, and removes the tube. It
is important to note that the plaque has not been removed; it has just been
compressed against the sides of the artery. Sometimes, a stent may be implanted
a tiny tube of stainless steel that is expandable when necessary. Its function
is to keep the artery open.
There is good news and there is bad news. The good news is
that the statistics compiled are superb. Ninety percent of all angioplasty
procedures are successful. The risk of dying during an operation of this type
is less than 2%. The risk of heart attack is also small: 3-5% .Yet heart
surgeons do not take any risk lightly; therefore, a team of surgeons stands
ready to perform bypass surgery if needed. The length of hospitalization is
only three days. The bad news is twofold. First, this procedure treats the
condition but does not eradicate the cause. In 20% of the cases, there is a
recurrence of plaque. Second, angioplasty is not recommended for all patients. The
surgeons must consider the patient’s age physical history, how severe the
blockage is, and, finally, the degree of damage to the artery before they make their
When coronary arteries are blocked by plaque,
one of the results could be
Heart attack
Femoral artery deterioration
According to the passage, angioplasty is defined
A tiny balloon
A plaque –laden artery
Blood vessel repair
Bypass surgery
It can be inferred from the passage that invasive
most closely means
Entering the body cavity
Causing infection
Resulting in hospitalization
Requiring a specialist’s opinion
The angioplasty procedure begins with
A thin catheter being inserted into the femoral
A balloon being inflated in the heart
a special dye being injected into the bloodstream
A healthy artery being removed from the calf.
It can be inferred from the passage that
Healthy artery is removed and awaits possible
bypass surgery
Patients have trouble accepting the idea that a
tiny balloon will cure the problem
3-5% of the patients refuse to undergo this
Surgeons do not take even a 2% chance of death
Which one of the following statement is true?
The plaque that has caused the problem is not
removed during angioplasty.
The risk of drying during an angioplasty
procedure is 3-5%
The coronary balloon angioplasty is a separate
procedure from inflating a balloon into a blocked artery
All of the above statement are true
B Refer to the first sentence of the passage.
C Clearly
defined in the first paragraph.
A The direst
and second sentences of paragraph 2 state how both procedures, angioplasty and
bypass surgery, are invasive because “both involve entering the body cavity.”
None of the other choices are supported or implied as a definition for
C the
procedure is detailed in paragraph 3. It begins with injecting a special dye.
Choice a and B follow later in the procedure, whereas choice d deals with
bypass surgery rather than the angioplasty procedure.
B This
answer can be found in paragraph 4. A team of surgeons stands ready to perform
bypass surgery even though the risk factor of death is only 2%. Choice a is not
supported in the passage. Choices c and d are incorrect because the passage
does not discuss patient reaction at all.
A Refer to
the third paragraph.” It is important to note that the plaque has not been
removed “. Hence A.
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