UPSC CSAT : Reading Comprehension Home Exercise- 02,Passage –C

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Monday, 23 February 2015

Reading Comprehension Home Exercise- 02,Passage –C

Passage –C
 Where does our warmth come from? We might think that warmth comes from clothes but clothes can only keep the warmth that we already have from escaping into the air, sometimes we get warmth from something outside, such as the sun or a fire or a hot bath. However, we would be badly off it had to depend only on the sun a fire or a hot bath for warmth. The fact is we make the warmth ourselves, and it comes from our food. Our food is burned inside our bodies. Burning requires oxygen, which comes from the air that we breathe. Food and oxygen together burn to create warmth.

9.       This story is mainly about-

1.       Food and oxygen.
2.       Keeping warmth inside.
3.       The importance of burning inside our bodies to keep us warm.
4.       The importance of the sun, a fire, or a hot bath.

10.       Burning requires –

1.       Oxygen
2.       The sun.
3.       Food.
4.       Fire

                       11.       The oxygen in our bodies comes from-

1.       Food
2.       The sun
3.       Fire
4.       Air

12.       Clothes –
1.       Make warmth.
2.       Keep warmth from escaping.
3.       Are like the sun or fire.
4.       Require oxygen.


9.       3
10.       1
11.       4
12.       2

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